Form PM3 (                           Interim Report2:










(To be submitted by Grantee with each grant drawdown application, or at intervals no greater than 3 months)



                                                                            Form PM3(Part 2-Capital)






Project Title:

Scottish Archive Network


Project Ref No:











Name of Grantee:

Scottish Archive Network




















As stated in the Monitoring Documents referred to in your Grant Contract, you are required to submit to NHMF a Progress Report with each grant drawdown application, or at maximum intervals of 3 months in the absence of an application,  reporting on how the project is progressing towards meeting the Approved Purposes.


The headings and format of the Report, addressing the principal monitoring criteria, are shown below. These headings and format must be followed, but you may prepare your Report using computer software incorporating spreadsheets as appropriate. All sections  (expanded in size as necessary) are to be completed fully on each monthly report. (Use supplementary sheets if necessary).


PM forms should be returned in hardcopy and must be completed fully. Failure to do so will delay processing your Grant














Report No:



Report Date:

14 Feb 2001













Covering Period:

Jan 2001









1.                   General Progress/ Programme and Project Objectives

Enter summary report on general progress towards achievement of the Approved Purposes identifying any problems or issues to which NHMF’s attention should be drawn. Note any actions proposed in response to problems or particular areas of risk.


The project remains within budget and is scheduled to be completed on time.

See annex 1 for detailed progress and throughput reports.

See annex 2 for Project Board Minutes (17-01-01)

See annex 3 for update on special conditions

See annex 4 for details of participating archives who have requested installation of PCs.















2.             Partnership Funding

Enter progress towards securing partnership funds


Source of Funding

Amount expected (A)

Amount received to date (B)

Balance to come A-B)

Date balance expected





Aug 2002





Aug 2002










Aug 2002








                Explain any changes to sources of Partnership Funding since the last Progress Report







3.             Change Control


Enter requests for any material change to the Approved Purposes  which have been approved by NHMF since the last Report and advise of any potential requests for such change in the future.


Description of Change Item

Date of request to NHMF

Date of  NHMF response

Effect on  achievement of Approved Purposes

Effect on Programme

Effect on Costs





























 Note: NHMF Approval is required for any material change to the Approved Purposes


                Report on any effect to delivery of the Approved Purposes of any cost transfer between the principal cost elements stated in your “Notification of Grant”. (Note: no such transfer is to be made between capital and revenue elements, or between VAT and any other cost element, without NHMF prior consent ).


Amount of cost transfer (£’000)

Cost transfer from (cost element):

Cost transfer to (cost element):

Effect on delivery of Approved Purposes























4.             Review of Design Drawings and Documentation


                Enter any design reviews or comments received from NHMF or its Project Monitors since your last report


Work element for which Design/Document review has been carried out

Date reviewed

NHMF/Project Monitor’s comments (if any)















5.             Timetable/Programme


Enter progress compared with the agreed Timetable/Programme for key activities  

Grant Expiry Date:  


Key Activity or milestone

Planned completion date

Actual (or  currently forecast) completion  date



 See Annex 1









































Overall Project Completion 








6.             Expenditure on Approved Costs


a) Cost Control

Enter expenditure to date against the key items of  Approved Cost (i.e. the costs on which NHMF has agreed to pay the Payment Percentage) compared with that detailed in the pre-commencement documentation. (VAT and Contingencies to be separately identified).


Items of  Approved Cost

(Principal cost elements)

Approved  Costs to completion as agreed at award

Out-turn Costs as currently forecast



Planned  costs to date - as submitted with Form PM1


Actual costs to Date










Balance of costs 




 (A- C)








Internet Server





























































































                Note any significant changes to the apportionment of costs between the principal cost elements prior to their commitment. Note the effect of any such changes and confirm that they will not affect the Approved Purposes including expected quality.


Cost transfer from :

Cost transfer to:

Amount (£)

Effect of Transfer
















                b) Cash Flow

                Enter the expected timing of expenditure of the total Balance (A-C) calculated above and the funding sources to cover the expenditure



To date

Next  Qtr

2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr

4th Qtr

5th Qtr


Total to


Expenditure of Approved Cost


Total of C above








Total of A above

Funded by:


















Other source (1)









Other source (2)









Other source (3)









Total Funding (to equal Expenditure of Approved Cost)















7.            Procurement

Enter the current procurement status of any significant goods, works, or services currently being procured for the project, or awarded since the last Report. 



Services : brief description

Approx Value

EU procurement



No of tenderers

Date of tender return

Date of award

Selected Contractor/supplier/



Digital Cameras x 3







Bookcradle/Copystand x 1







Computer Equipment





























              Identify any goods/works/services not awarded to the lowest tenderer and provide reasons why the selected supplier/consultant/contractor offered best value for money.


8.             Property Ownership and Possession

                Note any evidence provided at the request of NHMF or the Project Monitor.


Property Description and evidence provided

Date evidence provided to NHMF








9.             Insurance


Enter the insurances you have effected:



Effective From Date

Expiry Date


Employer Liability Insurance



Computer Insurance




Office Insurance: Including Goods In Transit & Officers Liability Insurance.





10.          Appointment of  Staff  (Revenue Elements only, if any)


List the salaried staff  appointed (applicable to “Revenue” elements of project only) since your last Report and the total number of volunteers currently employed (if any). 


a)       Salaried Staff (Note: applicable only to staff whose salaries are included as Eligible Costs in the Approved project.




Date Appointed

Job Description sent to NHMF (Yes/No)

Media in which advert placed


Contract to NHMF (Yes/No)




Scottish Exec Recruitment


Preservation Asst



Scottish Exec Recruitment













b)       Volunteer Staff 

The total number of Volunteer staff  employed at present is …………11…… (Details are provided with PM3 (Part1)


11.           Statutory Consents


Enter the status of the principal statutory consents required to complete the project


Consent Required

Granting Authority

Actual or expected date of consent





Listed Building




Scheduled Monument









12.          Publicity and Grant Acknowledgement


Enter displayed acknowledgement, press releases, or other publicity issued since the last report:



Date Issued

Approved by NHMF (Yes/No)

Displayed acknowledgement




Press Releases issued






Publicity issued









13.          Photographic Records



Confirm that you are making photographic records of the project                                              Y



14.          Special Conditions


Indicate progress towards satisfying the Special Conditions (if any) noted in the Contract:



Special Condition

Target Date for  compliance

Current Status


See Annex 3                          






















Name of Grantee: Scottish Archive Network


Address: Thomas Thomson House, 99 Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh, EH11 4DX



Signed for Grantee: …Ishbel Barnes……………………………………………………..


Date:                                       14/02/01………………………….


Annex 1 Sub Project Reports


Online Catalogues Project

The month’s main news is the formal start of a new member of staff, Jenny Cutts, on 8 January.  She was given a few days’ training by Alan Borthwick, and by the end of the month had begun to create some collection description entries for NAS records, as well as migrating some of our existing data into the in-house designed “Wee Arkis” Access database (from which data should be readily migrated to ARKIS).  At the end of the month, Jenny also began to undertake collection description work at Dundee City Archives.


Nicola Mills spent most of the month working in Aberdeen University Library Special Collections Dept revising collection descriptions started last year by Rachael Third.


Niall Taylor (IT) spent more time upgrading his “Wee Arkis” database, including a visit to Sweden to improve his knowledge of ARKIS.  This value of this work will be realized when ARKIS becomes fully available to us.  Niall will also be the main contact for installation of PCs in participating archives, the deadline for applications for which (for the first wave of supply) was the end of January.


Alan read over the remainder of the Scottish Theatre Archive collection descriptions: a small number of queries remain.  About a quarter of data returned after review by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow, was checked over.  A response was received from Lothian Health Services Archive about their collection description data, and further action is required here.


Alan Borthwick discussed with two likely casual members of staff the range of SCAN’s work, with a particular emphasis on where these people would work.  At the end of the month these people had not started work, and for various reasons it is unlikely that they will have started in February.


Alan Borthwick attended the HE Archives Hub Phase 2 applications assessment day, as SCAN’s representative, having undertaken some of the pre-meeting assessment himself.  This is an important networking project for SCAN to keep in touch with, and it is pleasing that Alan has been invited to sit on the Hub’s Steering Committee.  Alan also gave a talk about the work of SCAN to the Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society, 15 January.



Internet Resources project


Some work continued on correcting and adding material to the original site design. Most notably, a considerable amount of time was spent by both Robin Urquhart and Joanna Baird resizing the images and pages used in the ‘North by Northwest’ exhibition to make them more visible. The NRM staff approved the changes.


Joanna Baird completed a microsite for Perth and Kinross Council Archives and included a link from the ‘directory’ to the microsite. Perth and Kinross approved of the work done.


It was still not possible to link the SCAN knowledge base to a database in January. A database for the ‘places’ part of the Knowledge Base has been constructed but requires quality checking and testing in February and March before adding to the website.


5 days were lost due to illness (3 days to Robin and 2 to Joanna) during the course of January. In addition, Joanna took the last week of January/beginning of February as annual leave.


The online contact and registration forms were made to function. Joanna created a temporary database to store the registration information which was manually added by the team for the time being. The designers agreed to automate this process. The discussion forum begun to be increasingly used for the purpose which it was intended. Both the Internet Resources team and Alan Borthwick have spent some time answering forum enquiries were relevant. It should be possible to turn some of the queries there into Knowledge Base entries. It was agreed to leave the Forum open to anyone for the time being though it is intended to make it threaded into separate discussions – accessed by registered users only – in the future. Some 15 enquiries were received via the website form  and these were passed to Joanna by Stuart Low. These varied from general comments on the site content and design to specific genealogical and general enquiries. These were all answered within a few days of receipt.


Training and Outreach

Joanna Baird begun attending the Scottish Enteprise ‘Marketing Advance Programme’ with Ishbel Barnes and Stuart Low. Robin Urquhart held a meeting with  Mr S Scanlin regarding possible volunteer work for the SCAN knowledge base.



Technical problems continued to trouble Gary Clelland and more time was spent repairing the digital camera than imaging. The results of imaging were inconsistent from day to day and therefore no stock jobs could be undertaken - only a certain amount of adhoc imaging on demand. The results were not of a high standard. The curtains were moved in the camera room to allow more room for the new camera table. This was arranged by Bob Philips of the NAS.



Testaments Project

Digital capture

Modification of the dCam software and calibration procedures for the cameras led to elimination of  the problems with colour balance. Accordingly, rather than institute a programme of partial retakes based on the quality control reports it was decided to recapture all the volumes in their entirety. This has now been completed. No single pages were captured in January, as the book cradle and camera could not be operated in conjunction to produce images at  the required level of resolution. In consultation with the manufacturer of the book cradle modifications were agreed to produce the desired operating level. These modifications will be carried out at the beginning of February.


Tenders for the next camera procurement were received by the reply deadline of 12 January 2001 from BIODETEK GmbH, Karanis Ltd. and IKM Micrographic. After gaining further information about the type of shutter they recommended, the contract to supply the cameras was awarded to IKM Micrographic. (See Appendix 1 for tender report). Another 180° book cradle and copy stand was ordered from IKM for one of the new cameras. The other camera will be mounted on a new book cradle and copy stand to be provided by the GSU.



Ann Hunter joined the SCAN conservation team as a preservation assistant on 8 January. She has been assisting Peter with the cleaning and pagination of the Edinburgh registers, as well as overseeing production of volumes for the GSU volunteers to paginate and index. Dagmar began full-scale conservation of the Aberdeen warrants, having had her proposals approved by the head of NAS Conservation.



The work of indexing and paginating by the GSU made excellent progress. Seven further commissariots – Dumbarton, Dumfries, Dunoon, Haddington, Inverness, Kinross and Kirkwall -  were completed.

Margaret continued indexing 19th century registers of Duns and Ayr, as well as the selection for capture of pre-1823 Stirling warrants.

Jane is nearing completion of the labelling the Aberdeen warrants. At home, she has been compiling a list of occupations from the Edinburgh wills to put on the SCAN website. Her main task of linking digital images to their correct index entries, using software developed by Rob Mildren, will get underway in February.


Liaison with NAS Reader Services

Three requests were received from the public search rooms for testaments currently out to SCAN. As a result, 22 images were captured and printed copies produced for readers. The work of identification, digitisation and general administration for these requests took about 5 hours.





Throughput Reports


Internet Resources (For detailed breakdown of stats please see the following document “Internet Resources performance detail 0101” in same folder)



January 2001 – predicted

January 2001

- achieved

February 2001 - predicted

Cumulative Totals

Knowledge Base entries – added to site (figures begin from December 2000)





Palaeography texts, tips and transcripts added





Bookshop entries added






Virtual Strongroom  Research Tools entries added





Featured Documents’ added





Images created (inc JPEG copies made for web)





What’s New entries added (figures to begin from December 2000)





Exhibition entries added (caption and image)





Directory entries added (figures begin from November 2000)





Press Box content added





Visits made/talks given





Microsites added/linked





Registered users





Enquiries received





Forum postings





Articles written





Web statistics
















Milestones Achieved

No major milestones were achieved during January 2000







January 2001  predicted

January 2001  achieved



Cumulative total

Index entries created





Vols/pages numbered






January 2001 predicted

January 2001  achieved

February 2001


Cumulative total assessed









Volume pages



2500 + 200

3054 + 243

2500 + 200

52007 + 5097



Volumes completed





Loose documents assessed





Loose documents cleaned/ repaired

500 pp

(=250 ff)

500 pp

(= 250 ff)


(= 250ff)

2222 pp

(= 1111 ff)


At 31 January there were 961 volumes of the total of 2033 volumes ready for digital capture = 47% of the total.


These figures break down as follows:


Pre-1823 volumes: 115 completed (including conservation) out of 567  = 20%

Post-1823 volumes: 846 completed out of 1466 = 57%


Digital capture

January  predicted

January   achieved

February  predicted

Cumulative total

Vols captured





Double pages





Single pages





Vols quality checked








Appendix 1


Report on second SCAN Camera Procurement


1.1.      After three days of testing at Thomas Thomson House in November 2000 with a prototype Atmel Camelia 8M camera supplied by the GSU it was decided to buy three of the cameras for SCAN. Two of the cameras were required for the Testaments project and the other one for Internet Services.

1.2       Invitations to tender for the following equipment were accordingly sent out on Thursday 14 December 2000, with a submission date of 12 January 2001:

3 x Atmel Camelia 8M, with high grade CCD

3 x Controller

3 x LCD or mechanical shutter to conform with

3 x Schneider enlarging lens with helical mount              

Lens:                Apo-Componon 4, 0/60

                                                                                    Code no. 14802

                                                            Mount:             Code no. 11726

Delivery of the equipment was required by 31 March 2001

1.3       Invitations were sent to the following four vendors:


Atmel ES2 GmbH

Johanneskirchner Str. 100

81927 München



            BIODETEK GmbH

Wiesenstr. 4

64625 Bensheim


            Tel. +44 6251 4046



IKM Micrographic GmbH

Gartenstrasse 38D-61209 Echzell


Tel. +44 6008 282

Fax +44 6008 7902    


            Karanis Ltd.

48 Woodcock Road



BA12 9DQ

Tel. 01985 224399

Fax 01985 224398


2.1              On 12 January 2001 tenders were received from three of the vendors:

BIODETEK GmbH      IKM Micrographic       Karanis Ltd.

2.2       Before submission of its tender Karanis had sought clarification about the Schneider lens specified by SCAN and, by agreement, quoted prices in the tender both for the Schneider lens and for the Nikon lens it recommended for use with the camera.

2.3       Given the specific requirements the three tenders were very similar in what

they offered, and so it was decided to accept the one at the lowest price.

2.4              Accordingly, after gaining further information about the type of shutter they

recommended, the contract to supply the cameras was awarded to IKM Micrographic.


Hazel Anderson

Team Leader

SCAN Testaments Project


18 January 2001



Annex 2


Notes of Project Board Meeting

17 January 2001         15.00


Attendees: Ishbel Barnes (Chair), Rob Mildren, George Mackenzie, Peter Anderson, Stuart Low (Minute Secretary).


      1.         Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


1.1       The minutes of the last meeting were approved and there were no matters arising.


      2.         Review of Work Plans


It was noted that the format for the workplans had now been revised in order to fit the new HLF reporting style.


2.1       Internet Resources


2.1.1    It was suggested that there may be a case for providing Dreamweaver training now that several copies of this programme had been obtained, with a view to using it to support the further development of the web site.                                    Action: RM/JB


2.1.2    It was proposed that a specific individual should be identified who would have responsibility for responding to questions and enquiries, which arrived via the SCAN web site.                                                                                              Action:IB/JB


2.1.3    It was proposed that the performance table should also include details of the number of prepared Knowledge Base entries, which were yet to be loaded into the database. It was confirmed that the Knowledge Base should be loaded with all prepared entries by the end of March 01.                                                                             Action: JB


2.1.4    It was noted that Ishbel intended to publicise the existence and function of the Knowledge Base during her presentation to the NAS on 24 Jan.


The sub-project work plans for both December and January were agreed and approved. 


2.2       Testaments


2.2.1    It was noted that the project was currently reviewing the objective measurements of the DPI scale for single and double-paged images, with the HLF.


2.2.2    It was noted that no response had, as yet, been received from the HLF regarding their proposed independent assessment of digital images as a way of reaching agreement on the acceptability of double as opposed to single page image capture.


2.2.3    It was agreed to send further correspondence to the HLF explaining that SCAN were again examining the quality issues with a view to resolving the situation by the end of Jan.                                                                                          Action: IB


The sub-project work plans for both December and January were agreed and approved. 


2.3       Catalogues


2.3.1    It was proposed that some attempt should be made to gauge a rough estimate of the size of each repository to be catalogued.

                                                                                                            Action: AB


2.3.2    It was agreed that George would raise the issue of shell entries with representatives of Local Authorities at the next ASLOG meeting to seek some feedback.        

Action: GM


The sub-project works plan for both December and January were agreed and approved.


3          Procurement


3.1       It was noted that the Tender responses for the supply of the digital cameras had been received on 12 Jan. It was noted that it was intended to procure a further 2 cameras for the Testaments sub-project and 1 camera for Internet Resources.


3.2       It was noted that the Morse had yet to sort out the invoicing for the provision of the ICT equipment.


3.3       It was noted that 10 participating archives had, so far, responded to SCAN’s offer of Personal Computing equipment. Final returns are to be made by 31 January.


3.4       It was noted that the Arkis software is continuing to be developed. It was also noted that the NAS consultants have agreed to look at the Arkis system as part of the NAS review. It was confirmed that Niall would be visiting the Swedish National Archives at the end of Jan to test the transfer of information between Arkis 2 and the wee-Arkis prototype.


4          Staffing


4.1       It was noted that Anne Hunter had joined the project on 8 January as a preservation assistant.


4.2       It was noted that Jenny Cutts had joined the project on 8 January as a curatorial member of the Cataloguing team. It was also noted that although Jane had now started working from home, she would be attending the office in the mornings and working from home in the afternoons. It was also noted that Nicola Mills was currently working for SCAN in Aberdeen University Archives.


4.3       It was agreed that the NAS would aim to place a recruitment advertisement for Curatorials in the press just after Easter w/c 16 April. It was noted that SCAN would require 3 additional curatorial staff.                                        Action: GM


4.4       It was noted that NAS have agreed to assist SCAN by granting a short-term secondment of a curatorial to assist with the cataloguing sub-project. It was agreed that if this situation continues form more than a few weeks the post should be formally transferred to SCAN on a temporary basis.


            4.         Finance


4.1       A written report was tabled. [Extract Attached]


4.2       It was agreed that an advance drawdown for the next round of digital camera equipment would be submitted to the HLF at the end of January.                                                                                                                                              Action: SL


4.4       It was confirmed that the HLF spreadsheet would be reviewed to take account of actual against estimated spending over the last financial year and that a recast budget be formulated from April 1 to project end.                                      Action: SL


4.3       It was noted that McCabe’s had assisted with setting up the company’s nominal ledger on Sage Instant. It was also noted that all financial data from 1 July 2000 was currently being input and that McCabe’s would visit again in Feb to advise on input of opening balances, end of month reconciliation’s and running the VAT report. It was noted that this would incur a fee of £200.00. It was recommended that the administrator undertake a short course in bookkeeping.


5.         User Group


5.1       It was confirmed that the next meeting of the User group would be held on Saturday 10 March in Glasgow and that this would be a joint meeting with the Participating Archives Working Group.


6.         Participating Archives Working Group Meeting


6.1       It was noted SCAN was still awaiting contact from Irene O’Brien regarding the next meeting of the PAWG.


7.         SCAN Launch & Dissemination Campaign


7.1       It was noted that as a result of SCAN’s meeting with the Scottish Tourist Board, SCAN will now tie its launch event on Friday 6 April 2001 into the Scottish Executives plans for a Tartan Day event in both Washington DC and Chicago.


7.2       It was noted that SCAN would also have a Scottish launch event in June to mark the anniversary of Bannockburn, for the participating archives.


7.4       It was confirmed that Ishbel, Joanna and Stuart had attended the first part of Lothian and Borders Enterprise Marketing Advance programme on 16 January 2001. It was noted that this programme should prove valuable in facilitating SCAN to focus on its key marketing objectives and targets.


7.5       It was noted SCAN was continuing with its round of talks and presentations to various groups and organisations who are interested in the projects aims and objectives.


The next Project Board meeting will be held on Thursday 15 February at 15.00 in Thomas Thomson House, Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh.





Scottish Archive Network

Finance Report as at 9 January 2000




1. HLF Drawdowns


1.1 The November drawdown (16) of £52,314.88 was credited to SCAN’s account on 18 December. The December drawdown request (17) for £51,448.38 was submitted on 20 December and is still awaiting assessment.


1.2 The HLF have again been asked to review the shortfall of £3.53 from the August Drawdown (13).


1.3  The January drawdown (18) is currently under preparation and will be submitted on 19 January.


1.4An advance drawdown for the procurement of a further 3 cameras and associated equipment has been prepared and will be submitted to the HLF once the result of the camera tenders is known and a procurement order placed.





Annex 3


HLF Contract Special Conditions


  1. Fulfilled. The Scottish Archive Network follows all Scottish Executive procurement rules. This has been verified by Mr J Grady, Chief Procurement Officer NAS.


  1. SCAN believes that it is carrying out the Works and procuring the Works in a professional manner in accordance with currently accepted best practice in the Information Technology industry.


  1. Fulfilled.


  1. Detailed cost plan submitted and agreed with the HLF.  No changes in expenditure have been made without prior written approval.


  1. Signed monthly project reports and monthly cash flows are submitted to the HLF.


  1. The Project Initiation Document was submitted to the HLF as requested.


  1. Insurance has been obtained and full details given to the HLF.


  1. An ICT report was prepared and the tendering process undertaken as agreed.


  1. SCAN believes it has fulfilled and is fulfilling this condition.


  1. SCAN has submitted to the HLF its draft cataloguing standards





Schedule of Requirements for the Supply of Digital Cameras

October 1999



Information and Communications Technology Requirements

March 1999



Information and Communications Technology Tender Document

February 2000



Test plan submitted for installation of ICT equipment

October 2000



Data Capture Specification for Indexes

November 1999



Website design specification

November 1999



Evaluation and selection criteria for ICT equipment submitted in evaluation report “SCAN ICT Requirements Tender Report”

April 2000



Book Cradle Evaluation

July 2000



Web Site Tender Evaluation

January 2000



Camera Evaluation for HLF

May 2000



Resolution Requirements for Testaments

May 2000



Data Capture Tender Evaluation

December 2000



Weekly backups and daily incremental backups take place for all SCAN information (excluding images)


Uncompressed TIFF images are written to DLT and stored locally


Compressed JPEG images are written to the Internet Server where a backup is taken weekly
















All manuals received for ICT equipment and standard operation of digital cameras


Additional operator manual developed with GSU for the use of the digital camera




A presentation and report covering the entire ICT requirements for the project was given

May 2000



Information and Communications Technology Requirements

March 1999



Information and Communications Technology Tender Document

February 2000



Test plan submitted for installation of ICT equipment

October 2000



Data Capture Specification for Indexes

November 1999



Escrow discussed for deposit of digital images. SCAN has a contract clause with GSU to provide mutual restore and backup of digital images




Not done but there are all such applications to date have been developed, and belong to, Scottish Archive Network





  1. SCAN has fulfilled this condition: VAT is fully recovered.


  1. SCAN supports the extensibility of membership of the Scottish Archive Network with no financial implications


  1. SCAN has fulfilled this condition.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN


  1. The additional funding required by the HLF was secured.




Annex 4

Personal Computing Equipment for Participating Archives

Procurement Schedule





Option 1

SCAN Procurement

Option 2

Self Procurement

Est. Cost


Preferred Date

1. Aberdeen City Archive

Judith Cripps





2. Aberdeenshire Archives

Judith Cripps





3. Angus Council Archive

John Doherty





4. Ayrshire Archives

Kevin Wilbraham




Apr/Jun 2001

5. Clan Donald Centre

Maggie Macdonald




Mar/Apr 2002

6. Dumfries & Galloway

Michael Russell





7. Dundee City Archives

Bill Reid





8. Glasgow School of Art

Adele Ashley-Smith

X (order placed 12/02)



Jan/Mar 2001

9. Highland Council

Robert Steward





10. Northern Health Services

Fiona Watson




Tie in Ab City

11. Orkney

Alison Fraser





12. Perth & Kinross Council

Steve Connelly





13. RCSE

Marianne Smith

X (order placed 12/02)



Jan/Mar 2001

14. Shetland

Brian Smith




Apr/Jun 2001

15. South Lanarkshire Coun.

Frank Rankin




Apr/Jun 2001

16. Stirling Council

John Brims





17. University of Dundee

Patricia Whatley





18. Waterways Trust

Paul Sillitoe





19. West Lothian Council

Eric Carlin




Jul/Sept 2001