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Location of historical records

County Council records
The main series of minute books of Fife County Council and its predecessors (such as the Commissioners of Supply and road authorities) are held by Fife Council Archives. Departmental records of Fife County Council are held in a variety of locations. For furthere details contact the Fife Council Archives.

County Constabulary records
The surviving records of Fife County Constabulary (along with the records of many burgh constabularies) are held by Fife Council Archives.

Medical Officer of Health Reports
Annual reports for the Medical Officer of Health for the county of Fife are held by the National Archives of Scotland for the period 1891-1972, and Fife Council Archives for the period 1892-1958.

Valuation Rolls
Valuation rolls for Fife are held by the National Archives of Scotland for the period 1855 to 1989. Fife Council Archives hold valuation rolls for the County for the years 1872-1877, 1880-1881, 1884-1980, and 1982-1985. Valuation rolls for the royal burghs in Fife were not included in the county series until 1930, and the burghs of Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline were not included until 1958.

Vehicle Licensing records
Records for Fife County Vehicle Licensing Authority are held by the Kithead Trust, Droitwich Spa (for further details see the Knowledge Base entry on Vehicle Licensing).