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Teachers Notes
Sugested Answers
This unit has been designed to show pupils a range of archive material and how they can be used as sources of evidence about the past.

Five small, distinct topics have been chosen. They could be used in approximately 2 school lessons about using archive sources or they could be integrated into wider topics e.g. the Victorians or the Highland Clearances.

The unit has been designed to be used in a flexible manner by teachers. It can be used on-line or downloaded and printed to be used in class.

It could be completed by a class in small groups, by individuals or by groups/individuals taking a topic each and reporting to the class. Teachers will make their own choices as to which best suits the individual needs of their pupils.

By the nature of the sources and due to the size and language level of some of them, it will be possible to use them in a much more varied way than the questions here suggest. Teachers will wish to make their own judgements on how to use particular sources as best suits their course and pupils.

By the end of this unit pupils will be able to
  • identify and evaluate different types of archive material
  • use enquiry skills relevant to the Scottish curriculum
  • use a variety of sources to produce a piece of extended writing.
site designed by Wark Clements